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Trees (15)

Amendments (12)

Grow Media

Plant and Soil Management


Take a peek at the products we have ready to purchase now.

Alfalfa Meal

Alfalfa meal is an all-natural fertilizer made from fermented alfalfa plants. It can contain up to 16 amino acids and one of the more desirable one is triacontanol (a natural-acid growth stimulant). It is a good source of N,P,K and also magnesium, calcium and iron. Alfalfa meal works by breaking down and creating heat, which accelerates the decomposition of minerals within the meal. Rhizobacteria activity present in the soil processes the nutrients even further making them more readily available for the plant to use.
  • N-P-K: 2.5-.5-.3
  • CEC: high (343)
  • energizes the soil bacteria

Autumn Blaze Maple

The Autumn Blaze Maple is a classic oval-shaped shade tree with incredibly stylish orange/red fall color. It grows quickly and will brighten your yard in the autumn with a splash of brilliant orange/red leaves. The color often lasts longer than many other species of maple. Plant this tree if you want to brighten up your neighborhood in the fall, reduce your cooling bill in the summer or provide habitat for songbirds. Deliberately hybridized, cultivated Autumn Blaze Maples exhibit sterility but can have small clusters of samara (i.e. dry fruit).


Azomite is mined from a single mine located in central Utah and is approximately 30-million-year-old volcanic seawater ash, hydrated sodium aluminosilicate. It contains up to 70 trace elements and minerals and it provides some micronutrients such as Ca and Mg. 0-0-0.2 Soluble Potash…0.2% Calcium…1.8%
  • 100% natural
  • odorless
  • no additives or fillers
  • will not inhibit aeration or water flow
  • does not affect pH
  • will not burn plants
Application: Trees (the pH needs to be 6.5 or lower) add 1-5lbs per tree depending on the size of tree. House plants- 1tsp. per 1" diameter pot. Vegetable or flower bed- (new) 1lb per 10square ft, (established) sprinkle around each plant.

Bald Cypress

The Bald Cypress is a beautiful, low maintenance, easy to grow deciduous conifer that is not at all finicky about soil types and PH: from acidic to alkaline, to sand, loam clay and mildly salty soil. It’s long, slender branches feature short needles on both sides which start out yellow in spring, to light green in summer, to a yellow or coppery red in fall. Fairly insect resistant, it is a medium growing, pyramidal shaped tree who’s canopy can cast considerable shade as it matures. It loves full sun(6 hours of unobstructed sun) but can thrive in partial shade. It bears small clusters of little “globes” that produce 2 or three triangular seeds that fall in November-December. It’s nearest cousin is the Dawn Redwood, and in nurseries are often mistaken for the other.  

Blood Meal

Blood meal is a finely ground protein product that is derived from porcine blood. It is considered high in nitrogen, compared to all the organic meals. 13-0-0 TOTAL NITROGEN (N)...13.0% *Water Insoluble Nitrogen...13%
  • Can lower ph
  • High concentration of non-synthetic nitrogen
  • Can last up to 8 weeks but some environmental factors can affect its release (3 weeks after application, a soil test is recommended)
  • Commonly used to repel/deter animals (ex. deer)
  • CAUTION- can make animals sick if ingested
  • Brakes down rapidly by soil organisms into an available nutrient
  • Quickly available organic nitrogen
  • Best application is when it is lightly incorporated into the surface of the soil.
Application: New gardens, 1-2lbs per 100 square feet (depending on the crop) in the first few inches on the soil. Transplants, add aprox. 1tsp into the new hole for plant (water in the new transplant). To top dress, add 1-2tsp (depending on size of plant) every 4 weeks during the active growing season.

Bone Char

Bone Char is a rich soil amendment which comes from ground incinerated animal bones. Bone char is a type of BioChar, but contains higher levels of phosphorus than BioChar, which is derived from charred wood. Bone char is a natural filter and is used as such in many industries and in agriculture has been shown to immobilize Cadmium that exists in the soil (a non-essential trace element that in high concentrations is harmful to humans).  Because of its highly porous surface, Bone Char effectively holds moisture and nutrients in the soil which would otherwise wash away, requiring less supplemental nutrients to be added over time.  This holding of nutrients and moisture allow plans to reach their full potential while greatly improving overall soil health. It is considered a clean and renewable phosphorus rich soil amendment. 0-16-0  Available Phosphorus...16% Calcium...33%
  • reduces toxicity in a plant
  • enhances plant health
  • increases blooms
  • slow release
  • high in phosphorus
  • immobilizes Cadmium
  • renewable source of Phosphorous
  • holds moisture and nutrients within the soil
Application: Use Bone Char where soil sample indicates lower Phosphorus levels. Bone char can be added as an "activated" amendment or "as is". If applied "as is", it will provide benefits albeit in a rather slow fashion.  Activated Bone Char is Bone char that has been mixed in a 50/50 ratio with organic compost, moistened and turned daily for 10 days, or drenched with a compost "tea" and allowed to sit for 10 days, keeping it moist. The "Activation" process speeds up the decay of the organic material and allows the healthy microbes to flourish, and find refuge within the highly porous surface of the Char. This holding attribute of the Char also applies to soil moisture. Planting new Trees or shrubs; add up to 1 lb of activated Bone Char at the root layer before backfilling. New Container Plants - add up to 20% of your potting media with activated Bone Char. New Gardens - equal parts compost and Bone Char, with an equal measure of potting media, incorporated thoroughly.    

Bone Meal

Bone meal is an organic soil amendment and is widely considered one of the most efficient and more readily absorbable

Brandywine Maple

The Brandywine Maple is a male cultivar (no seeds) of the Red Maple: a cross with the Autumn Flame and October Glory maples. It is moderate fast growing and a bit shorter that it’s “parent” trees. Like the other Red Maple cultivars, it enjoys moist to wet well drained soil including wet clay and even some standing water which makes it a perfect choice for rain gardens. Its showy fall foliage starts out a red, then changes over to a purple or burgundy red. It keeps its fall colors longer than many other maples and is coveted by many because it does not produce the “helicopter” seeds (samaras) that female cultivar’s produce. As with other maple’s, its shallow root system is not sidewalk friendly, plant at least 20 feet from a sidewalk.  

Dawn Redwood

Thought to be extinct for 20 million years, the Dawn Redwood lives! Fossil records show the Dawn Redwood prevalent in North America and the entire northern Hemisphere up to 66 million years ago, but it was thought to be extinct. In the 1940’s, a Chinese botanist found stands of the tree in a low lying valley in China. The dawn redwood is a cousin to the Bald Cypress and the mighty Sequoya and is a magnificent center piece planting. Growing up to just over 100 feet it is the smallest of the conifer family referred to as “Redwoods”.  The Dawn Redwood is a deciduous conifer that grows in a pyramidal shape and is one the fastest growing trees in North America. It sports delicate leaves that look similar to ferns and are super soft to the touch. While young its trunks can appear smooth and red when wet, and when mature has bark with attractive deep clefts. It prefers moist, well- drained soil and direct sunlight, but can tolerate clay soils, dry time, pollution and road salts well. It should not be planted where standing water accumulates often. It is perfectly suited for Midwest planting.

Dolomitic (High Magnesium) Lime

Dolomitic Lime is processed from Limestone quarries where higher concentrations of magnesium carbonate are present along with the calcium carbonate.

Eastern Redbud

The Eastern Red Bud is unmistakable in Spring with its spectacular pink and rose colored blossoms. Its branches branch outward low on the trunk and ensures no two redbuds look alike. Adaptable to varied soil types and PH, moderate growth rate and stunning Spring blossoms make the Eastern Red Bud a favorite accent piece to landscaped flower gardens.  It prefers moist, well-drained soil and should not be planted in areas with standing water.  

Emerald Green Arborvitae

This popular conifer is easy-to-care for and as an evergreen provides visual interest even in the winter months. Emerald Green arborvitae can be used for live screens and hedges. It has flat glossy green needles and may produce tiny, ruddy- brown pinecones. The tree initially grows fast in its early years and then slows down as the trees mature.
Planting with a passion

We ❤️ trees!

In fact, we love trees so much we decided to make it our family business. All Hunter Tree Farms trees are carefully grown in North O’Fallon/St. Paul, Missouri, so they are already acclimated to Missouri’s often erratic and humid climate (unlike many big box stores and nurseries). Each tree is grown from a small seedling in custom grow media and natural fertilizers.

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