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Royal Purple Smoke

Is it a tree, or a bush?  The Royal Purple Smoke is actually a deciduous shrub that is a stunning accent tree / shrub in any landscape. Eventually growing 10-15 feet tall and wide, it sports gorgeous maroon-red / purple leaves that are certain to catch the eye. But that’s not all! The “Smoke” comes from billowy “hair like” puff balls that appear from the tree’s stalks where it’s tiny yellow flowers bloomed. Though the flowers are deemed insignificant, the “smoke balls” are highly attractive. The Purple Smoke can be vigorously cut back in the VERY early spring and this will promote vigorous and larger leaf growth, but at the expense of the blooms. It is a plant where “less is more”. It does well in highly drained “rocky or loose soil”, and does not like wet feet or soils that remain saturated. Once established, it requires only moderate water and is drought tolerant, requires little fertilizer or maintenance (save for how you wish to prune it).

Is it a tree or a shrub: you decide!