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Northern Catalpa

If you are looking for a fast growing shade tree that has beautiful spring blooms and catches the eye: the Northern Catalpa is right up your ally. Grows in virtually any soil PH and soil type, perfect for rain gardens and chronically wet areas as well as dry areas, the Northern Catalpa is a hearty deciduous tree that can fit many purposes and isn’t finicky. Where to begin! It’s HUGE leaves grow up to a foot long, it’s beautiful and fragrant trumpet or bell shaped white flowers with purple and yellow highlights within the flower, it’s curling branches, it’s trademark fruit (long slender beans) make the Northern Catalpa an eye catching tree in spring and summer. Though its fall foliage isn’t overly showy, the leaves turn a lighter yellow in autumn. Unlike its cousin the Southern Catalpa, its leaves do not elicit any unpleasant odors. It can be either an accent piece to your landscape or a focal piece. Not practical for small yards, but a showy tree wherever planted.